Apparently You Can’t Teach an Old Dog SwiftUI and Xcode

Is it because my brain is broken?


I just don’t get it!

There is something wrong with my brain. Well, not exactly wrong, but not so great, and that leads to my being unable to do certain things.

Did you ever take one of those intelligence tests where part of it has you fold up boxes in your mind? They score you on a percentile basis; 99 being really, really good at it, and single digits being hopeless.

I scored 50 on the boxes. I got 99’s on most of the other sections: math, logic, that kind of stuff. But dimensional stuff escapes me. There’s something missing in my brain, or something that’s lazy.

My Dad had strong dimensional talent. He could design and build anything. I struggle to put together Ikea furniture. I guess his genes got lost on their way to Egg-me.

There is Code and there is Xcode

But Code? Oh, I took to that like a duck to water. I taught myself Z80 and 6802 machine code, 8086 assembly, Basic, C, and Perl. I took courses in Fortran and Cobol. My non-box-folding brain had no problem with that kind of stuff. This was early on, pre-internet, before Windows, late 1970s and on.



Anthony (Tony/Pcunix) Lawrence 👀

Retired Unix Consultant. I write tech and humor mostly but sometimes other things. See my Lists if your interests are specific.