I Feel So Damn Good Today!
I’ve paid off my sleep debt
Right after lunch yesterday I lay down for a three hour nap. Two hours after getting up from that, I turned in for the night and slept another seven hours.
I felt — I feel! — so refreshed today. After breakfast I did an extra hard workout and did not feel tired at all. I dashed off a few Medium posts to be published later, cleaned up a pile of household chores, some of which had been neglected for a few weeks. If it wouldn’t have added to her pain, I would have picked up my wife and spun her around because I was that full of joy!
The last few months I have accumulated a large sleep debt. My wife broke her dominant hand’s wrist in early October and badly damaged her fingers on both hands. Because of this, I had to take on extra work, and the worst of it was staying up three to four hours later than usual to help her get ready for bed.
She’s a night owl and I’m someone who physically crashes by 8 PM, sometimes earlier. You’d say, “So sleep later, silly!”, but I have been getting up between 3:00 and 5:00 AM for many, many years. “Then take a nap, you goofball!”, you shout, but I usually can only nap fitfully; it doesn’t give me much real rest.