I react a bit differently to Apple’s pricing.
The first computer I bought was a TRS-80 Model 1. From Wikipedia: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/TRS-80
“The TRS-80 has a full-stroke QWERTY keyboard, the Zilog Z80 processor, 4 KBdynamic random-access memory (DRAM) standard memory, small size and desk area, floating-point Level I BASIC language interpreter in read-only memory (ROM), 64-character per line video monitor, and a starting price of US$600[1] (equivalent to US$2,700 in 2021). A cassette tape drive for program storage was included in the original package.”
The second was a TRS-80 Model 16, which was about $15,000 in today’s money.
You can see why I have a hard time thinking Apple makes expensive computers.