I Touched My CarPlay Screen and Found New Controls

I never knew this stuff was there


Screenshot by author

I was sitting parked after telling Siri where I wanted to go and for some reason I tapped on the CarPlay screen.

What magic is this? More controls popped into view, controls I had never seen before. What? Why didn’t I know about this?

Curious, I tapped the top icon, the one with the squiggly line. It showed me the whole route rather from where I was starting from. Great! But I was more interested in the sound controls. Thar little speaker button caught my attention because sometimes I want turn by turn directions, and sometimes I don’t. I had somehow recently accidentally turned those off and hadn’t figured out how to turn them back on.

Screenshot by author
Screenshot by author

Yes, that’s more like it: turn by turn directions, alerts only, and shut your trap because I am listening to a podcast!



Anthony (Tony/Pcunix) Lawrence 👀
Anthony (Tony/Pcunix) Lawrence 👀

Written by Anthony (Tony/Pcunix) Lawrence 👀

Retired Unix Consultant. I write tech and humor mostly but sometimes other things. See my Lists if your interests are specific.

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