Member-only story
bed sheetsHousework
I Used to Hate Making the Bed
The bed, however, was a source of genuine dislike. Getting the fitted bottom sheet properly aligned was the biggest annoyance.
I’m not a compulsively neat person. I don’t mind papers strewn across my desk for a few days or a bookcase that’s slightly in need of dusting. I don’t mind an unmade bed if there are other important things to do, but I will get to that bed before it’s time to get in it again. That’s more comfort than neatness: disarrayed sheets are annoying.
But even if I went to make up the bed soon after breakfast, I was never happy about it. That may sound silly; what chores honestly give us joy?
I do sometimes enjoy dusting, but, at best, most of my daily housework will only offer a smidgen of satisfaction at best. If there is joy in cleaning toilets, I’m yet to find it.
The bed, however, was a source of genuine dislike. Getting the fitted bottom sheet properly aligned was the biggest annoyance and the older I get, the harder lifting the mattress corners has become. I’m lucky not to have back problems, but arthritis in my fingers objects to both the weight of each corner and the required tugging to secure that fitted sheet.