My wife and I were talking about this last night.
Some people down the street are moving to New York to be close to their son. Other people are planning a going away party. We’ve known these people since we moved to this over-55 community eighteen years ago,
I told my wife I have no interest in going. It’s just another chance to catch a cold or worse.
“But we *like’* them!”, my wife exclaimed.
Sure. We ‘like’ them. For an over-55 community with a preponderance of MAGA and near MAGA jackasses, these particular people aren’t deplorable. But many of the other folks who will attend are. I don’t want to listen to their nonsense or breathe their germs.
So bon voyage, don’t bother to write, we won’t miss you all that much, sorry.
My wife thinks I’m callous. Yeah, I am, a bit.