People Who Want To Kill Apple’s App Store Profits Could End Up Wishing They Had Kept Quiet
There are other ways for Apple to make money
Did you know that if you want to put your IOS app on the more than 1.5 billion active IOS devices, you cannot just sell it to the owners of those devices? Nope, you have to go through Apple and they have to approve your app, and then it can only be sold through their app store. Finally, believe it or not, they take up to 30% off the top of each sale!
Unbelievable. Apple says it’s to protect customers from dangerous apps, but that’s like saying we should have laws to protect people from dangerous food or drugs! This is ‘Merica, Apple, ‘Merica, the land of the free!
Yeah. By the way, did you know that if you want to sell a product in a supermarket you might have to pay a “slotting fee”. I’ll quote from Wikipedia’s
“A slotting fee, slotting allowance, pay-to-stay, or fixed trade spending is a fee charged to produce companies or manufacturers by supermarket distributors (retailers) in order to have their product placed on their shelves. The fee varies greatly depending on the product, manufacturer, and market conditions. For a new product, the initial slotting…