That's the biggest thing I miss from having my own site. There I could see every read and know exactly where it came from. Here, we get weak and near useless stats that tell us almost nothing.
I've recently had several stories that spiked up suddenly. Some had been simmering at low level for a week and then boiled over. Others came to heat instantly.
It's mostly internal because they make money. But what triggered it, how they saw it, I have no idea. Will it last? Who knows? I picked up new followers, but that usually doesn't mean much.
Some people say that this happens after being here a year, that it's a breakthrough point and can keep going. I have a friend who joined a month before I did and experienced the same thing. Again, who knows?
I've been writing on the web since the early nineties. I've written steadily whether I had readers or crickets, dollars or pennies. I plan to keep it up no matter what.