These things are hard to compare because you and I write about different things. You have slightly less followers, but they could be more or less real than mine.
I got my first payment from my posts in April 2020. It was $17.43. Since then I have earned $7,762 but about $3,000 of that was concentrated in three months where I won Medium contests and had some semi-viral posts. My normal earnings are around $3-4 a day, but started creeping up this month to $5-$7.
But that is primarily from a handful of mildly popular posts, so I might really be in the $3-$4 range. I do get a decent amount of residuals, money from older stories, not very much each, but it adds up over the month.
As I said, we may be too different. You might be making much more because more of your followers actually do follow. Or you may have more email subscribers - I have 65 right now.
I’m going to expand on all this in a post soon. Maybe it will help some folks.