You are missing the point. So did Medium until recently, but they seem to be catching on now.
I follow and read a number of people who wrote on PSILY, but I never followed the publication for the same reason that I don't follow ANY publications. I follow authors who have a style I enjoy, or intelligence I enjoy, or who write in areas which interest me.
There has to be *resonance* for me to follow. Publications are not resonant at all, they are jumbled, discordant. packed with different voices, different views, differing talents. Why would I want to have to sift through dozens of people I do not want to read to get to those who fit my wants?
That doesn't mean the other writers are untalented--well, it might in some publications-- it just means they aren't my cup of tea.
And that is what Medium has learned. We follow people, not publications. Medium has said that several times now in their blog and has changed their whole approach to expose writers, not pubs.
Individual publications with only one author can make sense. I do that to separate my interests so that people don't have to read my political rants if they aren't interested. But I'll never let anyone else in there and I'll never put my posts in anyone else's publication.
Medium is changing, and I think it's for the better.